12 Şubat 2014 Çarşamba

Tarihi Sinop Cezaevi


Biraz gec kalmis bir post oldu ama olsun. Kucuk bir Ege kasabasindan neredeyse hic bir farki olmayan Sinop'u en ozel kilan sey bu tarihi hapishanedir herhalde. Cok etkileyici idi gormeyenlere duyurulur. Rehbersiz gidecekseniz ya bizim gibi turlarin arasina sizin :) yada onceden arastirip gidin. Cunku gercekten ilginc hikayeler var.

It've been little late to publish this post but anyway.  Sinop is almost like a small town in the Aegean, but the most important think about this city is Sinop Fortness Prison I guess.  It's very impressive and solid, if you haven't seen yet you should visit. If you go there without a tour, my sugession would be that you should follow a tour and pretend like you're the one of them like we did :) or search the history before you go there. Because there are a lot of interesting stories about the place.

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