24 Mart 2014 Pazartesi


These books for my little sister. She likes reading so much but i'm little nurves about her generation. I think hey are so influenced by the technological devices. And i'm trying to buy books her as much as i can, I choose specially the enternatining and good ones to make her interested in books more. Because i don't want to her just to learn something i also want her to use her imagination. It makes the difference always.
So read book and make your childs read book also. Let them use their infinite imagination and see how world can change with this imagination. This is a good start to change something.

Bu guzel kitaplar kucuk kardesim icin. Kitap okumayi cok sevmesine ragmen endiseleniyorum, yasitlari gibi oda o kadar teknolojik aletlerin etkisi altinda ki. Ben de bunun etkisini azalatmak icin ona elimden geldigince kitap almaya calisiyorum. Olabildigince eglenceli kitaplar secmeye calisiyorum ki kitap okumaya olan ilgisi daha da artsin. Cunku ben onun sadece bir seyler ogrenmesini degil, hayal etmesini de istiyorum. Hayal etsin, yaraticiligini kullansin. Cunku fark yaratan sey bu. Bu yuzden kitap okuyun ve cocuklariniza da okutun. Birakin sonsuz hayal guclerini kullansinlar. Sanirim bu bir seyleri degistirmek icin iyi bir baslangic.

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