"Bir nesil gecer gider, baska bir nesil gelir; ama yeryuzu sonsuza surer gider... Gunes de dogar, ve gunes batar, dogdugu yere kosar gider... Ruzgar guneye yollanir, sonra kuzeye yonelir; durmamacasina dolanir, ve ruzgar dolasimina denk geri doner... Butun nehirler denize varir; gene de deniz dolmaz; nehirler, ciktiklari yere donerler." ECLESIASTES
Ne kadar dunyayi gezmek istedigimizi soylersek soyleyelim, cogumuzun icinde kocaman bir parca bir arka sokaga bile tasinmak istemiyor aslinda. Butun herseyin sebebi bize eski, herkesin birbirini tanidigi, ekmegini firindan, gazeteni bakkaldan aldigin, sokakta yururken esnafa selam verdigin, yolda gordugun komsu teyze ile muhabbet ettigin bir yerde yasama hayalini kurdurtan sey. Cunku Insan tanidikca sever, sevdikce alisir, alistiktan sonra da kopmak istemez. Iste ben de boyle cogu zaman gitmek degil, koklerimi salmak istiyorum.
A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever. Also the sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rasis there again. Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses and the wind returns... All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.
Whatever we tell how much we want to travel all around the world, most of the people can't move even if it's one block away. It's the reason why we dream a place to live where everybody knows each other, people buy bread from bakehouse, newspaper from grocer. Because people love if they know better, they adapt if they love , and then they don't want to leave.And Most of the time i want to take root instead of leaving.
Fon Muzik/ Background Music: Patti Smith- Dream of Life
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